Saturday, August 4, 2012


I have refused to admit it most of my life.  I have covered it up with excuses of "I work best under pressure" and "I just haven't had the time before now."  The only reason I am even admitting it now, is that there are all of 32 people who even read this here it goes...I am a procrastinator!  

Yep, that's me.  While I am a planner, organizer, and somewhat Type A person, at the same time I put things off...again, and again, and again...

Right now, instead of writing this I should really be completely some school assignments.  Especially with the house so quiet!  Even more so since is it the last week of the semester, but no, I am doing things like this...

Browsing Christmas ideas on Pinterest...
Doesn't that look tempting?????

Looking through old photographs...

Where did those paci loving baby boys go?
Reading this...

This is a new project of mine...reading Young Adult literature.  Like I need another project!  Don't tell Jer!

So I have confessed.  I am the master of putting things off.  I just wish I would be more constructive with my procrastination.  I could at least go put the pile of dirty dishes in the dishwasher or fold the 15 baskets of laundry that have been sitting on my floor all week.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

When did this happen?

Where did those freckles come from?

When did he lose his baby cheeks?

When did his eyes get so deep brown?

How did he get so tall?

And skinny?

What is that look?!?!

When did my baby become such a little man?  I must of dozed off or blinked!

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