Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Hello! It's Me!

I know!  I know!  It has been forever since I have updated, posted, or even LOOKED at my blog.  It seems that my life has been on fast forward for several months now, and even more apparent that my pause, stop, or even my play buttons are all broken.  When things get that insane, something has to give, and unfortunately it has been this blog.

I have missed it!  I have missed the energy, creativity, and inspiration that writing brings, but most of all...I have missed the communication and interaction from my virtual friends.

So, Hi everyone!  This is what we have been up to...

This Sweet Boy turned 1!  We had a fun Monkey party and enjoyed many chocolate cupcakes.  I still can't believe he is no longer my infant.  The past year is such a blur!

We have taken a few road trips to Louisiana.  Mostly for the babies to get spoiled by Granny and Papa Joe, while Jer did a little fishing in Sportsman's Paradise.

This Miss Priss turned 6!  She was counting down the days, and couldn't wait!  As soon as this birthday past, she began her countdown for number 7.

We had some beautiful family portraits made by Watermelon Photography.  As you can see, Sweet Baby Jude was more interested in climbing stairs than saying "cheese"! I just love this picture!  Even though at the time all I wanted to do was cry.

My office made a huge move to Dallas.  It is a much further drive, but the offices are amazing!  I also have a new carpool partner.

Yep!  My sweet hubby Jer and I are now working at the same company!  It has been an adjustment for our entire family, but at the same time it has been such a positive change and rewarding experience for us both.

That is what we have been up to.  What has been going on in your world?

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